Saturday, 27 July 2013

27 July

Today started really well, albeit under the shadow of heavy rainstorms with potential thunder and lightening.   I decided to set off early, in the hope of staying ahead of the bad weather.  The first twenty miles was great, down through Somerset towards Devon.  Lovely scenery and villages with thatched roofs.  Then a right turn at Somerton took me towards an unexpected development.  

The Blackdown Hills run along the Somerset and Devon border.  I’d never heard of them but the road I took went directly over them and was quite steep, for five miles.  Still, up I went, enjoying the scenery and into Devon. 

Then a long downhill through some more lovely villages towards Exeter, my eventual destination.  The rain hadn’t appeared.  Everything was going great.

I arrived on the outskirts of Exeter in good spirits, only two days left after today.  

As I cycled around Exeter, I developed some sharp pains in the back of my right leg.  I stopped and stretched and they settled, but came back again a mile of so later.  I decided to take it really easy and the last five miles of so took ages, but, with only two days left, I didn’t want to risk any injury.

As I sit here, there is no pain and I had a chat tonight with Shona Eyre, our local physio who didn’t seem too concerned and gave me some very good advice for stretches tonight. It would take something really serious to stop me at this stage, but I’ve still got my fingers crossed for how I feel in the morning.

Fowey tomorrow, then the final push to Land’s End.

Nearly there....

B score 1. 

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