Sunday 21 July 2013

20 July

Huge day this, 93 miles in total, from Loch Lomond down to Beattock, about thirty miles north of the Border.  

First bit was fine, fairly flat into Glasgow, then a fantastic ride along cycle paths through the City, through parks, and along the banks of the Clyde. Beautiful, sunny day, loads of people around and all very helpful, which was good as the cycle routes were very complex and I needed to stop and ask the way on numerous occasions.  In fact the number of times I needed to ask for help contributed to the journey through Glasgow, taking over four hours!

Once out of the City, it became a bit more boring, with a minor road running alongside the M74, before a long climb into Beattock.

After such a long day, I was looking forward to seeing my family, having a shower and relaxing for the evening.  Oh dear.

I arrived to find them all at probably the worst campsite in the world.  About six inches in between each van, showers that had no temperature adjustment (burn or off), and a bar which was having a ‘Country and Western’ night when I arrived (this went on until after midnight and kept me awake until the early hours).  Our immediate neighbours arrived in the early evening, in a small hatchback which they proceeded to unpack, revealing three small oil filled radiators, a Z Bed a microwave and a George Foreman grill in addition to all their luggage. They disappeared off to the Country and Western night soon enough.  They were still asleep when I left in the morning.

Still, no midges here.

My backside is fine. 

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